Friday, October 02, 2009

That David Letterman blackmail attempt

Quite the most bizarre story of the day: someone tried to blackmail David Letterman out of $2 million over allegations that he had been bonking female staffers on the show. Really? Rich, famous man in showbiz bonks women? Wow! Alert the media!

That the story wasn't in fact worth two million bucks is shown by the fact that Letterman didn't in fact pay it, he went to the authorities, set up a sting and then announced the whole thing on his show.

You can see a full report on the David Letterman extortion at the link.

An amazing scene played out on the Late Show last night as David Letterman revealed that he had been the subject of a $2 million extortion attempt. The blackmail was over the possible revelation of his having had affairs with staffers on the show. As a result Robert J Halderman, a producer on the "48 hours" show has been taken into custody reports say, although police have not yet released his name officially.

1 comment:

chris brown said...

Its sick when people do these type of things I hope that everything works out for him and his wife.