Sunday, March 08, 2009

Dolphin Discovery!

This is absolutely great, I hadn't realised that this had become so organised. Swimging with dolphins can be an absolutely fantastic experience and I had thought that you needed to just get lucky. Uou know, be swimming around somewhere in the warm water and maybe, just possibly, some dolphins would turn up and swim with you.

That's certainly what has happened to me. Many years ago, more years than I care to remember, I was broke and sleeping on a beach in Antigua. I was there a whole week. My day was up with the dawn, lie around and read a bit, walk the few miles into town to get some lunch. Stock up on rum, bread, cheese and another book and go back to the beach. Read again until nightfall and then go to sleep. All really rather fun although the best bit was first thing in the morning. Wading into the water off this little beach with my salt water soap I would soon find several dolphins playing around me. It was really amazing having my morning shower/swim with these delightful creatures.

But as I say, I thought you just had to get lucky to experience this. Apparently not, now it's all much better organised. In fact, it's now one of the options in these Grand Cayman Island cruise tours and excursions. So you don't just have to hope, you can go knowing that you'll be able to do this.

And I thoroughly recommend it, it's great fun!

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