Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I am SO stuffed

Andrew Randomly Notes the 10 Commandments (gaah! can't say that: it has hideously judeo-christian overtones) the unbreakable laws of our new social contract. (via DK as usual, who got it from Chris at Strange Stuff)

Given that your "over-stuffed leather armchair" of a Pedant-General is:
  • white
  • male
  • heterosexual (I'm sorry, but the Guardian would hold this as relevant)
  • married
we can safely assume that I am basically stuffed. I might as well give up now.

But then, seeing as I am also:
I have got nothing to lose really.....


dearieme said...

One of the biggest regrets in my life is selling my rifle and giving up my permit. Silly me!

Anonymous said...

Come the revolution, PG, you'll undoubtedly be one of the first up against the wall, blindfold, last cigarrette etc.

I expect I'll be in the queue for similar treatment as well, along with a good proportion of UK bloggers.

Deogolwulf said...

Well, that’s the troubling thing, Thersites: the execution sites will undoubtedly be no-smoking areas.

Anonymous said...

In that case, deogowulf, I think I'll pass :-)