Thursday, August 04, 2005

Quote of the Day

This is fantastic. The killer quote is almost at the last line:
Technology for the green priests is as contraceptives are to the Catholic Church. Only some methods are acceptable but, like Rome’s preferred birth-control techniques, these are often unreliable.

But I can the question that is really on your lips: what, to extend this analogy, would the emissions reduction equivalent of the snip?


dearieme said...

There is an old panto song:-
Oh you push the damper in [gestures]
And you pull the damper out [gestures]
And the smoke goes up the chimney just the same [florid gestures].

berenike said...

Ach, these people, sooooooooo behind the times.

Here is a clearly highly-biased source (probably funded by Opus Dei, organised by the Jesuits and staffed by Regnum Christi) on the Billings method:

or the sympto-thermal:

and on, oh, let's say, the common or garden condom, so beloved of International Planned Parenthood and sexual health projects for yoof: