Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Water Metering and Incentives

This man needs a smack:

Sir, Metering of water supplies (letters, July 1) would not necessarily reduce consumption. We had a meter installed some two years ago, and it immediately halved my water bills.

I may have changed my pattern of use for a month or so but, because of the drop in cost, I admit that I no longer give it a thought.

Net result is a reduction in income to the water company and no observable reduction in water usage.

What would he have said if his bill had doubled overnight? Fool.

1 comment:

dearieme said...

Dear Sir, We had a meter installed some two years ago, and it immediately halved my whisky bills because, to save money on my water bills, I stopped drinking whisky-and-water and swapped to brandy-and-soda.
Yours bubbliciously, Daft Old Coot.