I think we're all aware that pilots train on simulators, yes? That it's a great deal cheaper to use some computing power than to allow them to take straight to the air in $100 millions' worth of kit?
What you may not realise is that the cost of said computing power has been coming down so rapidly that the use of such simulators is now extending to many more industries. For example, the National Association of Heavy Equipment Training Schools (www.nahets.org) has recently added the requirement to use simulators to the programs used to train the operators of such heavy equipment.
A great idea actually, as it'll save tonnes of money in the training process, thus making al the things built with such machinery cheaper for all of us.
Here's the full press release:
Paul Freedman, President of Simlog, visited the headquarters for NAHETS, the National Association of Heavy Equipment Training Schools, on Monday April 23, 2007. Freedman was awarded an associate membership in NAHETS and wasnpresented with a plaque from NAHETS president, Matt Klabacka.
Freedman granted yellowmetal.tv an interview regarding the significance of simulators in the training of heavy equipment operators.
Nahets Simulator Heavy Equipment Training School Simulator NAHETS logo
According to Freedman, simulators are an essential element in the quality offered by heavy equipment training schools. “Simulators can never replace seat time; however, they do allow an individual the opportunity to enhance their skills”
Simlog was founded in 1999 to commercialize training simulation technology developed at CRIM, one of Canada’s leading research institutes in information technologies.
The Simlog website states:
Today, Simlog is a very special simulator company, for these three reasons:
1. Simlog has a unique product focus: Simlog is pioneering a brand new kind of simulator product called Personal Simulator which leverages the power of your PC to finally provide truly cost-effective training help for heavy equipment operators. Tangible recognition has come in the form of several innovation awards:
* Canadian Construction Association in 2006 for our Hydraulic Excavator Personal Simulator
* Construction Innovation Forum in 2004 for our Mobile Crane Personal Simulator
2. Simlog has a unique business focus: heavy equipment operator training in the crane and construction industries, forestry, and mining. We do nothing else. Practically, this means that you can count on Simlog for more and more simulator-based help to address your heavy equipment operator training needs!
3. Simlog has a unique instructional focus: because we are working in multiple heavy equipment industries, we’ve gained special insights into operator training challenges and instructional design for training simulation. Indeed, every Personal Simulator is developed in collaboration with leading equipment manufacturers, their distributors, owner/operators, and training professionals.
For more information read the nahets blog at http://nahetsblog.wordpress.com
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